Category: <span>Git</span>

As I have mentioned a couple of times, I’ve been creating some reusable Blazor components, to save time on future development. This (rather long) blog post details my journey from innocent newbie to GitHub ninja. Well, maybe not quite that far, but I learnt how to use GitHub actions to build and deploy Nuget packages, and deploy an ASP.NET web site via FTP.

With a couple of recent projects, I have been using Azure DevOps instead of my usual SVN for source control. This uses Git, and whilst the mind migration to Git has been generally painless, there have been a couple of points that keep tripping me up. One of these is convincing Git that the .gitignore file has changed. When you start a new project in Visual Studio, and use Team Explorer to connect to Azure DevOps, it automatically adds everything to Git, including the bin and obj folders. You generally don’t want to put these under source control. No problem, crack up the .gitignore file and add the following lines… Visual Studio sometimes creates this for you, but even if it does, you still need to modify manually if you add a new project, as it doesn’t seem to do that for you. So, you confidently hit the refresh button…