Dot Net What Not Posts

I’ve been working on a new Blazor project for a few weeks, and have been bothered by the number of seemingly odd errors reported in the Visual Studio error panel. The main reason they bothered me (other than the unhelpful fact that they all claim to be on line 1 character 1 of the relevant file, which isn’t very helpful) is that the code runs fine. Whilst this has been annoying me, as things were working, I didn’t spend too much time on it.

However, I just ran into another problem, and the solution turned out to solve this one as well.

The “with” keyword is a crucial part of a functional programmer’s toolbox, but is sadly lacking in C#. In this blog post, I document the development of a template that will automatically generate a With() method for C# classes.

I recently switched to Windows 10, and have found that one really annoying habit it has is that it will randomly switch focus without warning. I can be typing an email, scrolling down through the errors in the event viewer to see what vital parts of Windows crashed today and so on, and suddenly I find that my words are not entered into the email, the events aren’t scrolling, etc.

A quick bit of searching revealed that a lot of people have had the same problem, and very few have managed to solve it. The main problem is finding out what gets the focus.

This post explains how I found out.

Whilst I’m getting increasingly frustrated with Windows 10, the number of errors that seem to crop up, and the number of basic features that seem to stop working for no good reason, it has produced more than its fair share of amusements.

Today’s suggests that Microsoft have an amazing level of confidence in the staying power of Windows 10.